Why Save Badminton
Badminton Improves Your
Social Skills, Health Care & Mental Wellbeing
used from https://www.veganbadminton.org/
There is no better game than badminton to effortlessly indulge you into having a go. Usually, players are open arms to newcomers and once you start you can’t stop!
Badminton is not your average run-of-the-mill game! It's a dynamic, high-energy sport that offers a wide range of exciting health benefits for people of all ages. Not only is it a fun activity to play with your friends and family, but it also delivers numerous perks that can help enhance your physical fitness and mental wellbeing. From boosting your cardiovascular health to refining your flexibility and coordination, badminton has got it all!
Improves social skills
What makes badminton a social sport?
Talking to other players and rallying in singles or doubles means that badminton is a social sport. This can be particularly beneficial in combating loneliness.
Working in a team helps your social skills and improves your confidence by having a positive interest and positive competitiveness, you will see teams that win use linguistic and visual developments: It's important to boost your teammate's confidence and systematically use positive words to motivate him or her and play your role as a good partner. Although it's easy to assume you're both playing to win, on-court communication is a critical part of your team's success. When facing a challenging and high-pressure situation, great doubles teams constantly talk to one another and in an evenly matched game, teamwork is a deciding factor in who wins.
Get into the habit of making encouraging remarks to help your team partner go the extra mile to create a more relaxed fun social sport.
How do you get into badminton?
Easy, check out your local gyms or a local badminton club, you can even find a vegan club which works alongside BWF's aims in reaching their conduct of ethics.
Try attending at social times it’s a great way to introduce yourself to the sport. Players are paired on the day and more senior players are keen to assist newcomers.
Buy yourself a racquet, plastic shuttles, some court shoes, and loose clothing with layers as you get hot. Bring water and your all set.
What values do you develop in playing badminton?
These values include; Ethics, fair play and honesty.
What is the meaning of Ethics?
Apart from Ethics reflecting on human beings and their interaction with nature, and with other humans, on freedom, on responsibility and on justice.
Sports ethics would be
Following rules within a game
Accepting penalties when given
Calling games fairly as a referee
Compensating players fairly.
What is the meaning of Fair play?
Fair play incorporates the concepts of friendship, respect for others and always playing within the right spirit. Fair play is defined as a way of thinking, not just a way of behaving. You should want the environment to welcome all and to feel comfortable as a safe space in order to benefit mentally.
What is the meaning of honesty?
What BWF say -
The aim of the Code of Ethics is to ensure the sport is administered with integrity in a democratic, professional, ethical and transparent way and that Players compete in competitions that are fair and free from any form of manipulation or unethical behaviour.
The Code of Ethics defines the most important core values, and principles for the behaviour and conduct of personnel in the badminton community.
The Codes of Conduct describe the types of conduct and behaviour of people performing particular roles in the activities of the BWF, its Continental Confederations and its member associations.
Strengthening your health
Badminton is a fun, active sport that is easy to practice with few painless rules. It boosts up your muscles, strengthens them, and improves blood flow rate. Playing badminton regularly can help strengthen the heart muscle and limit the risk of blood vessels clogging, reducing your risk of CHD. It also counts as a moderate-intensity activity, so it's a great way to get some of your recommended minimum 150 minutes a week helping you lose weight or stay fit! As you move in short, sharp boosts you’ll quickly raise your heart rate which will increase your metabolism. Having a good metabolism will help you maintain your physique.
Basic skills such as grip, footwork, and stance can be learned quickly but will take some time to master, you will be introduced to coaching and it is advised (from personal experience ) to take a few lessons to help you with all the basic skills. Meanwhile, more advanced skills such as anticipation, perception, and rhythm develop from years of experience. You’ll find that repetition is key and with the buzz and admiration you get with badminton, you’ll be practising sitting on your sofa. Since players need to be attentive and powerful all the time, the game increases your speed and improves your reflexes.
Eye–hand coordination is the ability of the central nervous system to coordinate the information received from the eyes to control, guide, and direct the hands in the accomplishment of a given task such as catching a ball. To date, only 3 studies have investigated the eye–hand coordination of badminton players. Dane, Hazar, and Tan suggested that participation in badminton training was associated with superior eye–hand visual reaction time and visuospatial intelligence. Dube, Mungal, and Kulkarni reported that the required visual reaction time of badminton players was shorter than that of sedentary controls. A recent neuroimaging study confirmed that badminton practice, including high-capacity visuospatial processing and eye–hand coordination training, is associated with neuroplastic changes (eg, enlarged grey matter density) in the cerebellum and functional alterations in the frontoparietal connectivity. Therefore, we hypothesized that badminton players’ eye–hand coordination is superior to that of non–badminton players.
Playing badminton also improves cardiopulmonary function (the interrelationship between the workings of the heart and lungs) which means you will have a better level of fitness.
Finally, you will sweat and sweating helps remove toxins from your body supporting a high metabolic rate. Playing Badminton will naturally improve your agility without you even noticing, as you move from spot to spot to ensure you return the shuttlecock!
Mental power
With such high intensity, the game/sport helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression by taking your mind off everyday life. Improves concentration levels and helps you become more focused, alert and agile. If you play doubles, you need good teamwork and awareness of what is going on around you.
Intelligence is also a factor since players must know how to deceive their opponents with every shot so they could win the game.
Researchers found cognitive performance was boosted after participants played badminton because a player has to make decisions and use coordination which has positive effects on the brain and can help prevent diseases such as dementia.
When playing Badminton, you have to have your wits about you at all times! It is competitive and can be fast-paced while requiring you to react to an opponent - which increases the speed your brain reacts and improves the reflexes.
Mental preparation helps players achieve a focused, confident and positive state so they can compete at the highest level. Confidence is the main objective of mental preparation. This can come from practice, game plans, strategies and even visualising winning the match.