The impact of using feather shuttlecocks on the environment and animal welfare is undeniable.

To put it into perspective, it takes 16 feathers to make one shuttlecock which means 4 birds are live plucked to make only 1 shuttlecock.

The average amateur badminton player can go through 3 tubes of 12 shuttlecocks in a single game. That adds up to a whopping 36 shuttles which makes 144 geese and ducks harmed.

This means that Billions of feathers are required annually, which puts a significant strain on the bird population and their natural habitats.

Buying shuttlecocks is supporting animal cruelty

The process of live plucking, which is still used by suppliers, is both unethical and inhumane. It causes unnecessary pain and suffering to the birds, and it involves child labor and poor working conditions, which only adds to the problem.

There are a few non-animal-torture-related aspects which also begs for your attention.

  1. India cannot supply the feathers to all the 50k+ shuttlecocks it produces annually. Its smuggled from Bangladesh. They escape tax obligations from either of the countries.

  2. These unregulated plucking factories are known to misuse children. There are reports on how they are being used to pluck or cut the feathers for 10-12 hours earning not more than 50 Rs.

  3. Reports say one-fifth of children in Rajapur, Uluberia, Howrah in West Bengal are employed to tis inhumane labour. They are under the age of 10, they are not fortunate to learn at school, undergo frequent industrial accidents. Read through the report. every shutle you buy contributes to supporting this cycle.

On the other hand, synthetic shuttlecocks offer a much more sustainable and animal-friendly solution. They are made from durable materials, which means they can withstand regular use and last much longer than their feather counterparts. Synthetic shuttlecocks also eliminate the need for live plucking, and their production process does not require the same level of resources or energy as that of feather shuttlecocks.

In fact, some synthetic shuttlecocks on the market today are made from recycled materials, such as plastics and rubber, further reducing their environmental impact. These alternatives are not only more sustainable but also cost-effective in the long run. With the technology we have available today, we can surely replicate the qualities of a goose feather in a synthetic shuttlecock that performs just as well as the natural feather option.

It's time for badminton players and fans alike to take a stand for the environment and animal welfare. By switching to synthetic shuttlecocks, we can make a positive impact on the world and show that we are conscious consumers who care about the future of our planet.